
August 27, 2008

This is what Jack played for his last encore song, I was waiting the whole concert and of course he plays my favroite song last.  But, I thought you all might enjoy it, and if not, you should because it’s a good song.  This was recorded 1 week before the concert I saw, but it’s the same.  Jack’s so good live… I just love him…

Jack Johnson-Angel/Better Together

…I literally just cussed out the self check out machine at the Walmart.  I HATE the Walmart.

So let’s start from the beginning.  I HATE the Walmart.  It’s always SO busy, it’s taking over the world, and well, it just sucks overall.  It’s guaranteed that the minute I step foot inside the door, it’s going to be 3 hours before I can leave.  Ok, that’s a huge exaggeration, but I’m a little annoyed at this point in time while I’m typing.  But really, it’s guaranteed that it’ll be 45 minutes before I get out of there, even if I went for just one thing.  That’s why I HATE the Walmart. 

So Cody and I go to the Walmart to get 4 things.  It started out as one, some protein shakes that Dillon’s doesn’t have, so we went to the Walmart to get them.  Then I found coupons that expire soon, and we also got Puff’s facial tissue, some Biore’ face wipes, and the 4th item they were out of, but it was shaving cream.  So anyway after walking all around the store, because the Kleenex’s are on the complete opposite side of the store from the rest of what we needed (which I don’t understand why they’re on the food side to begin with-but that’s a whole other rant), we can’t find a line that is even remotely short, so we go to the self check out.  Which there are only 4 of.  And for some reason EVERY one of the machines (once we’ve already been in line for awhile) is acting up and the main lady (only 1 lady) that monitors them all, goes one by one to fix whatever problem they are having.  So finally, we’re up. 

I scan everything, the Puff’s, the wipes (2 boxes), and one shake box.  Fine, everything was fine.  Then I scan the second box of shakes (EXACT same thing as the first) and it tells me it’s not in the system and that I need to press “ok” and remove it the bag.  So I remove it, and try to scan it again.  It works.  Then tells me AFTER it scanned and charged me for the shake box, that it’s not in the system (then how did you charge me for it moron machine?!), and it prompts the lady to come over to enter in her damn code before it’ll let me move on. 

Well, someone else is having a problem at this same time, so she bypasses us, and says “Just a minute” and helps the other people, then 3 minutes later comes over and fixes ours.  She’s busy, I understand, but I can hear my life wasting away as I’m in the Walmart.  So finally we’re fixed and ready to move on. 

So, I can now enter in my coupons.  Biore coupon, good, easy, went smoothly.  Shake boxes coupon, good, easy, went smoothly. Puff facial tissue coupon, not good, not easy, DID NOT go smoothly.  It says on the computer screen “You have too many of item for coupon,”  What?  Are you kidding me?  So I scan it again.  Once again, it says I have too many.  What the hell does that mean?  I look at the coupon which has a picture of a 3 pack on the front (which is exactly what I had purchased) and it clearly says “any size puffs” on it.  Now if it would have said “not enough of item” I would have understood.  But how do you have to many? 

So by this point, I’m pissed.  I’ve already expressed my hatred of the Walmart to Cody like 5 times, and this was the last straw.  I believe I said, “How can you have too many, I hate this f***ing machine!” and I threw the coupon on the belt and pushed the checkout button.  The coupon was for 25 cents off, I didn’t care about the quarter anymore.  

Well, I think the woman working overheard all of this, because she came rushing over, saying “What coupon wouldn’t it take?” and did her special thing, and gave me the 25 cent credit (I feel a little bad at this point, but I’m still to pissed to talk to anyone), and Cody thanks her for me. 

So I pay, and we finally left.  All the while, I’m still ranting and raving under my breath about how you have too many of an item for a coupon.  Especially when what I got was the exact same thing as the damn picture on the coupon!  Seriously!  Seriously!!!!  Ok, calm down…breathe… 

So then we get to the car, I look at the clock and the whole trip inside the Walmart took 38 minutes.  38 minutes for 4 things, one of which they didn’t have!  I bet 25 of that was standing in line and the stupid check out machine! Oh, I just HATE the Walmart!

So I decided that I’m going to stop calling people I don’t like bad words, I’m going to call them “Walmart’s.”  That might make me feel a little better…

But really, I think I may need some help…  Seriously…

Miss Ella

August 26, 2008

Well, as most of you know by now, Miss Ella VonFeldt turned 1 on Friday the 22nd of August.  And I’m very glad she has such a wonderful aunt that buys her gifts, because evidently her mom and dad do not celebrate doggy birthdays,… unlike her somewhat crazy aunt.  So I thought I would share a few picks with y’all (mostly because Ella’s wonderful, and because I’m so impressed that Edith can take such good pictures of her all the time. Look!:

Here’s the one good picture I took out of like 10.  She’s just posin’ all pretty with her new Frisbee.  She had one just like if before, but she chewed it up, so I thought I would get her another one.  Knowing full well, she’ll do it again, but at least I know she likes it.

Then here’s what happen literally 2 seconds later when I tried to take just one more cute picture (because I always think I can get just one more picture of anything-ask Cody.  It annoys the hell out of him):

Do you see her foot, barely, on the right hand side? About 1/3rd of the way from the top?  Yeah, believe it or not, that’s her foot.  She just took off!  I have NO idea how Edith gets any good pictures of her!  She’s constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY moving!


August 24, 2008

So, I haven’t written in awhile, and I’m afraid that if I try to catch everyone up on 3 different weddings and a Jack Johnson concert, it would be too much to handle (for me, not you).  But the weddings were fun, and Jack was PERFECT, so I’m just going to update everyone on who really matters most.  That would be Royce.  He’s almost a year old, almost 11 1/2 months, and so wonderful.  He might have taken 4 steps yesterday, but Nikki, Cody and I were at the mall, and Robert saw them (the steps).  He would not walk for Nikki when she got home.  But I thought I would post some pictures so that everyone can see just why I love him as much as I do…

He loves hiding under whatever he can find.  And he’s getting to the point where he’s sneaky.  You tell him not to touch something, and he listens and stops.  But then you turn your back, he looks at you to make sure you aren’t looking at him anymore, and he goes and grabs whatever you didn’t want him to touch in the first place.  My sister watched the whole thing happen.  But how can you be mad at this face?

Above is his “You said my name, what did you need?” face…

Oh, he’s just so pretty.  Just happy and pretty.  And he looks so much like his mom did when she was his age.

And this next one is my favorite.  It’s just amazes me how you can love someone so much that you have only known for 11 months, and that you’ve probably only hung out with 15 or so times…

But is he not just adorable!  He just makes me smile.  All the time, just makes me smile…

And to think… In less than 1 month there will be two nephews to love!  Oh, I can’t wait!