…because if you could, some dog with cancer would have a good wig out of my dogs’ hair!

Here’s a nice before shot, they are SOOOOOO hairy!


They’re looking at Cody, he’s trying to help me get them to look at me.  Here’s the best we could do with a before shot:


Although, this one’s kinda my favorite:


Henry thinks he’s in trouble, but I like the little paw lift.  But I think everyone can agree on the fact that they are WAY too fuzzy!

So about 1.5 hours… and a bag of hair later…


And here’s some clean cut pups!


Little Annie…


Little Skinny Henry…


Don’t they look so much better cut?  I think so.  The forecast says it won’t get too cold in the coming week, and I’m hoping Spring is on it’s way soon.  I just so sick of the cold.  70’s and sun,  I am SO ready for.

Here’s a just-for-fun pick.  Cody had Kelly spike his hair for the KU vs. K-State again, and although I refuse to discuss the outcome of the game, I am willing to discuss this photo…


I just had to Mohawk Henry too, so him and Cody could match.  My two silly boys!

Although I shaved Henry’s head today, so I won’t be able to do this anymore, but it was cute while it lasted.

I’m still uncertain…

February 2, 2009

I keep saying that over an over again: hesitant, uncertain, not sure.  All those things I keep saying over and over.  But that’s the truth. 

So I’ve just been sick of my hair lately, and I wanted to cut off  like 6 inches.  But then I kept thinking, 6 inches, I need 10 to donate it, and I don’t want to cut off 6 and waste it, so lets just cut off 10.  So Nikki and Royce had a hair cut on Saturday, and I asked Kelly if she wanted to cut 10 inches off (which she’s been trying to get me to do for like 5 years).  She said she could squeeze me in, so I said “just do it.”  And here’s what happened…


My poor hair…


I sent it off in the mail today.  I just hope some girl gets a nice wig out of it.  She needs it more than I do, but I sure do miss it…

Here’s what it looks like straight and air dried, also I just took it out of a pony tail, so it’s not lookin’ too spiffy right now…


But I did it, and there’s no going back now.  My pony tail is so short!  My hair seriously hasn’t been this short since I was in 3rd grade.  I know, all the more reason to cut it, but it’s just so weird.  I don’t even look like myself!

But my shaggy dogs don’t seem to care…


I’m laughing because Annie just tried to lick my teeth, and I wasn’t too excited about that.  That’s her “I just got shut down” look.  And little Henry just likes to lick air, so he’s just chillin’ with his tongue out.

But on a fun note, Cody got his hair cut on Friday, and sometimes he has Kelly do fun things with it.  Not the cutting, just the styling.  So Cody had Kelly give him a Mohawk.  Here’s the front view…


and the side view…


Ok.  So that’s the big news for the week.  Hopefully it grows fast.  My hair, not Cody’s…